Greetings to The Pride of South Texas! I hope you’ve had a great summer. Band camp is just around the corner and I wanted to send you a greeting with some information.
Please review the information on the drop down menus under marching band on I do get questions that are answered there, so make sure you check those pages.
Hopefully you got the information about the shoes we eventually want everyone to use. It should be on the band Facebook page if you missed it. Just know that it will be mandatory for all members to have that shoe in the fall of 2018.
Also by the fall of 2018 we hope to have everyone on lacquer (gold) instruments. If you just bought a nice silver instrument, relax. We will see if we have a lacquer instrument for you. If not, you will just have a silver instrument in the field for this year.
If you have a class conflict with rehearsal, that doesn't mean that you can't be in marching band (as long as you won't be missed a lot of rehearsal). For your University registration, your advisor can override the conflict so you can be registered for both classes. For marching band, please go to Bands>JMB>Forms>Schedule Conflict Form to register your conflict with our admins. Please make sure you have a water bottle at rehearsal. We will provide new members with the same water bottle as in years past, but some members may need a larger bottle because of the heat. Remember, you ARE allowed to use a camelback during rehearsal. Really, any appropriate method of hydration is ok. I also want to say right now that if you need to leave the field because of water or heat, simply walk off the field. Even if we say one more rep and then water, if you feel you can’t wait that long, go get some water immediately. It is a safety issue and we need your help. One drill rep is NOT more important than your health.
If you’d like to know more about me, I have a website at that has lots of information on it.
Review the schedule and make sure you are here for camp. I’m excited to see everyone. This is going to be a great season for The Pride!